The Highly Sensitive Person

Have you felt you experience a higher level of sensitivity than most others?

A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) describes the experiences of those that possess a trait known as sensory processing sensitivity. Highly Sensitive Persons experience high levels of arousal to their central nervous system due to external and internal activity. Highly Sensitive Persons make up 20% of the population, so you may feel misunderstood. Having a sensory processing sensitivity does not mean it is a disorder; being a Highly Sensitive Person is a trait.

Highly Sensitive Persons may experience a deeper level of processing information, overwhelm due to processing of the environment, strong connection to emotional cues or high levels of empathy, and a high level of awareness of subtleties in the environment.

This may look like:

  • Feeling like there is always a deeper meaning

  • May become easily overwhelmed with stimulus in the environment

  • Sensitivity to sounds, fabrics, and light

  • Feeling the energy of those around you

  • Difficulty with change or switching between tasks

  • Difficulty with criticism and conflict

  • Conscientious, perceptive, moved by beauty/arts/music

With help, you can honor your energy, determine your capacity, create alternatives, incorporate boundaries, re-evaluate processes, and seek support.


Being HSP While Black.

Being a Highly Sensitive Person has its own unique set of challenges and beautiful moments. When we factor in the added worldview of being a person of color, it changes how we identify and relate to our sensitivities. Sometimes, we don’t give ourselves permission to show up authentically. Join the discussion in identifying what may be hindering you from acceptance of your sensitive trait and tips on navigating the world as a highly sensitive person while black.

Listen in to the Being a Highly Sensitive Person While Black episode on The HSP Podcast, where we discuss:

  • What it means to be an HSP

  • Collective trauma and grief

  • Differences between HSP traits and mental health struggles

  • The importance of honoring yourself

  • Q&A: Racial fatigue

  • Q&A: Dating a non-HSP